Thursday, March 10, 2011

Price Comparison Web Sites for NZ Hair Straighteners

searching NZ Internet sites for Hair Irons
Search for NZ GHD Retailer
You can evaluate and compare the cost or price of Hair Straighteners in New Zealand, by entering relevant search terms in Google from your Laptop or Computer. Terms can include "NZ Hair Straightener Cost to Buy" or "Flattening Iron Prices in NZ", which are likely to display shopping comparison sites. This includes Priceme and Shopbot, but also Auction sites (e.g. Trademe or Sella), and various GHD related web sites (and Australian web sites), Salons and Distributors/Suppliers (e.g. Hair Products NZ, Hair Plus, etc). The comparison sites often display product styling images, price or price range, with a link reference to local or national retailers, e.g. Noel Leeming, Kmart and other stores. Laptop Girl Image by Michal Marcol at Free digital Photos Net.

NZ Local or Global

Evaluation of features relative to costs for hair styling units, can be done with research or based on prior knowledge of brands you know about. The thing is, you only get to see what's available on those above mentioned sites, without instantly knowing if their are other brands, or models/units within a brand. It seems restricted, or fragmented of what's on offer on NZ web sites, compared to dozens I have researched on region specific shopping web sites. It would be wise to contact/e-mail the vendors for specific details, actual availability and current costs, including shipping. But of course you could do further online search (and/or research), such as visiting global stores, e.g. Amazon which have a vast range of brands and models.

Or you could visit paid campaign search advertisements (i.e. Google Ads for Search) and NZ's Pricespy ( - a shopping comparison site, primarily known (I think), for computer hardware and electronic components by many NZ's. But buried within their vast database, is a category for hair styling flat irons. I could not easily find the category on the home page, so I used the search function, and then "back tracked" a little to the relevant sub-category. You are more likely to find pricing and suppliers for GHD straighteners from Google search ads and within the Pricespy website.

Pricespy - Search for Hair Straighteners

Enter Hair Straightener in the search function at the top R/H side and after clicking, product units should display, e.g. Remington Slimline, Silver Bullet, etc. Then click on one of those units, and then click on the Hair Styler tab which is adjacent to the Personal Hygiene tab. Then you should see a comprehensive and diverse listing (the best I believe so far for a Internet NZ listing) of branded irons and their specific models (Not sure if this will change). You can filter by price, types (e.g. curling irons), brands (including GHD units, Vidal Sasoon), retail or stockist stores, ceramic, and so on. There you have it - not only various brands, models, but importantly pricing, which you can instantly assess for those stylers. Conveniently grouped for you to evaluate and compare to make a informed decision, should you purchase, and also where to buy.

 GHD, Remington, and Vidal Sasoon Purchase Price Ranges
(click for larger view)

Chart research for NZ prices for hair straighteners

Pricing Overview

I tried to demonstrate with a graph for a quick overview. The above chart is purely based on a "intuitive averaging" of cost only, per range, and not indexed against other factors (e.g. features, brand recognition, durability, price movement, etc). But I think -and you probably know of various price points for well known brands - you can easily see differences for the straighteners. Note the slope/gradient of the graphs, the more expensive irons are more tightly priced, with little variance per unit. This suggests premiums are paid for a well known branded product, i.e. GHD Irons. Remington's wider price range (higher variance in pricing) suggests a range of markets or consumers - e.g. from lower price conscious units to a little of a premium unit.

The box plot chart below better displays the variation in pricing, though from a limited set of price data. The plots indicate and display minimum, median, and maximum price, with the median price within the lower and upper quartile price range, i.e from 25% to 75% within the displayed box. This box area is known as the inter quartile range, or middle spread of 50 % statistical dispersion of data or prices for the irons.

For example, Vidal Sasoon has a wide dispersion of prices for it's units, with it's mid (i.e. median) price iron skewed to the lower 25 % of price units. GHD pricing has very little cost dispersion, with it's mid price model similar to other irons in it's current range.  Of course pricing may change, for example if more premium/featured irons are introduced in the future. Or if other brands enter in significant volume on the NZ market.

Box Plots of Hair Straightener Price Variation
(Click for Larger View)

Box Plot price difference for GHD, Remington, and Vidal Sasoon Hair Irons

Google Search Ads - Look for a Hair Related Company that are Advertising

These sponsored ads often display on the right hand side or at the top of Google Search results. The ads are from Google Adwords, which advertisers (i.e. companies, e.g salons, wholesalers, retailers, and hair product stockists) display their items or services. So any NZ hair price related Google search term will trigger relevant ads, which may have pricing information on an associated website. New companies or those that want instant web traffic might have their ads visible, which once you click on will display their site or ad copy. You might see ads for companies that you know (e.g. Bond and Bond, Phillips, etc), but then you might see companies that you don't know, or have forgotten. This also saves the searcher (or potential buyer) spending time searching through the standard organic listings.

Though there are advanced search techniques that I wrote about earlier, e.g. searching online for pdf user manuals. Google Sponsor ads is another potential source to view pricing information, new companies, possibly new products, particularly if the companies are not referenced in Pricespy's database. Though you may find useful pricing information for new Hair Straighteners in NZ, and if you are keen and can afford to purchase you may want to sell your current styler on Trademe or eBay. If so, perhaps visit my selling tips for hair stylers to optimize for selling, and to help purchase a new Hair Straightener from a local retail shop.


  1. I also learned that Google acquired, which is one of the best UK financial comparison site, for US$61.5M.

    Price Comparison

  2. thanks for the info, I use a great straightener, it's the Karmin G3 Salon Pro which has tourmaline ceramic plates that cause less damage to the hair and leaves my hair soft, shiny and very straight. :D

  3. Very useful information, I straighten my hair with the Karmin G3 Salon Pro, it works pretty good, removes static and leaves my hair silky and shiny :)
